Writing is one of the most rewarding professions that I am able to participate in. There are many people in the world who have become consumed by this activity. Whether you are a writer or a reader, here are 5 myths about writing that need to be unveiled.

This is one of the greatest myths about writing. There is nothing simple about pouring out your soul in a way that others will be entertained, enlightened, and engulfed in your work. Writing is a complex process from the outline process to editing. To write, one must be willing to put their heart out in the world to be accepted or stomped.

Ah, the dreaded writer’s block! I know it well! Writer’s Block is when a writer gets stuck on what to write next. It can be quite an obstacle to face especially when you are eager to finish a novel. It can last a few days, weeks, months, or even years. To combat Writer’s Block, I like to take a few days off without writing. I might spend time with friends or family. I may take a walk if the weather is nice. I might read a favorite book that I have always enjoyed. No matter how an author fights Writer’s Block, the struggle is real.

Now, I am sure that there are authors out in the world of writing who are in it for the money. However, I believe that many of us have other reasons for becoming writers. I personally enjoy writing stories with twists and turns. I want my work to get out to as many readers as possible because I want them to be entertained by my stories. I also like to hear the opinions of my readers. Nothing makes me smile brighter than when a reader says, “Oh, no you didn’t!” Money is always nice, but it is low on my reasons for writing.

Every writer is unique in their writing style. Each story is different from other novels. Writers need to support one another by reading each other’s works and sharing tips on being better authors. We don’t need to compete by slinging mud or writing poor reviews. Writers are in the profession so like teachers, doctors, and others, we need to work together to make the world of writing better.

The truth is that not all writers become famous and well-known with tons of readers seeking their novels. There are many that give up after a few years because they don’t see the progress that they imagined. However, the true authors are going to be the ones who never give up. If you love writing, then giving up is never an option. It will take loads of hard work, but it is worth it to hold your priceless work in your hands.