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Today is Martin Luther King Jr. Day! As I look back on my life, I can see that racial tensions have increased over the last few years. Though things have improved since Dr. King’s lifetime, there is still a long way to go. Certain people seem to be considered more important than others. Hatred and violence is the chosen method for some to deal with the injustices of the world.

Dr. King believed that only through love would people change. Being hateful will never solve the problem. Instead, we must work together to make sure that all lives matter.

As a teacher, I choose to treat all students no matter gender, race, ethnicity, etc. as the special people that they are. As an author, I choose to include diverse characters in my novels to show the importance of all people. I pray that I will always strive to be better than the day before. I hope to drive out darkness with light and love as Dr. King preached. Let’s all do more to make the world a better place!