Tip #19: Don’t be hard on yourself.

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As you are editing your manuscript, you may find yourself becoming discouraged or disheartened at the number of mistakes that you made. You might put yourself down or wonder why you bother writing at all. Don’t fall into this trap!

We all make mistakes in our writing. It is normal to find several errors when editing. I edit my writing at least three times through and still find mistakes before publication. It is natural. You are a writer because you are putting your thoughts, hopes, and dreams down on paper. It has nothing to do with perfection. Give yourself a break when you begin to focus on the huge amount of errors. Don’t overload yourself. Just remind yourself that you are making your work better by fixing mistakes.

In the end, it will be worth the work when you have a manuscript that is as good as you can get it. Persevere! And of course enjoy the learning process!